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The Perfect Son
by Freida McFadden

This book has several voices of different characters. It has intrigue, suspense and surprises.

First Comes Summer
by Maria Hesselager

A weird little fever dream of a book. Creepy little noric witch in love with her brother. Not a feel good book

Too Hot To Handle
by Tessa Bailey

This was terrible and I read everything in Matthew McConaughey's voice which made it highly entertaining. These characters are crazy dramatic and crazy not based in any kind of reality

The Blacktongue Thief
by Christopher Buehlman

Ugh! this was so good. It's been so long since I read something so clever,so endearing, so much fun to read. I loved all the characters so much. I'm going to miss them now I'm finished. I really really savoured reading this, even so near the end I found I was so excited and was reading so fast I missed bits and had to double back. Absolutely magic!

System collapse
by Martha wells

I would read 100 Murderbot diaries.

The Secret To Southern Charm
by Kristy Woodson Harvey

Great sequel !!!

Bury Your Dead
by Louise Penny

Loved it ! Great history lesson too !

My Killer Vacation
by Tessa Bailey

This was not a good book, but it was a good distraction for a couple of hours

Career Of Evil
by Robert Galbraith

The book is a series but does stand alone. There are many times the past is referred to with comments on the past that clarify. There is a quiet love story that is not overshadowed . Passed events strongly contribute to the present horrors occurring. Deceit and sub defuse are ever present and staying with circumstances when they are no longer relevant. The description and characterization makes the book so real.

Scientific Healing Affirmations
by Paramahansa Yogananda

Someone recommended inreas this and it would change my life. Couldn't get past some super outdated ideas in here for a supposedly wise and enlightened human to be so sexist, didn't jive with me. Also this copy ends with a "excercise to heal the teeth" where you just think about your teeth to fix them. Seems like a weird an abrupt way to end your book..
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